Welcome to the third  edition of Introduction to Human Physiology. This is one of the primary, core courses for people pursuing careers in nursing, medical technology, and allied health occupations.

You can begin the course at your own convenience, and study at your own pace. You are, however, solely accountable for your own standard of achievement.

Please Note:

The materials provided on this site are intended to supplement formal classroom training and are not intended to replace a quality health-care education by licensed medical and education professionals at an accredited institution.



This is your proof of participation in this Free-Ed.Net study program. You should include a copy in your Career Education Portfolio.

xxxx Use the image scanner app on your mobile device to  read this QR code. You can then access these resources whenever you want and from wherever you go.


David L. Heiserman, Editor

Copyright ©  SweetHaven Publishing Services
All Rights Reserved

Revised: June 06, 2015