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HSE Studies > HSE Science

Preparing for the HSE Science Exam

Practice Test

Take this Sample GED Science Test Test before and after completing the lessons listed below. Then compare the results.

Scoring Chart

You can use the Scoring Chart to get a rough idea of how well you would score on the actual GED social studies test.




Unless your teacher or GED mentor instructs otherwise, you should complete these assignments according to the instructions and in the order shown on this page.

1 Concepts and Processes in Science
2 Comprehending and Applying Science
3 Analyzing and Evaluating Science
4 Science and Technology
5 Science in Personal and Social Perspectives
6 History and Nature of Science
7 Plant and Animal Science
8 Human Biology
9 Chemistry
10 Physics
11 Earth Science
12 Space Science

This course of study is built around Contemporary's GED Mathematics; authored by Jerry Howett; and published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Having this textbook at hand can be very helpful, but it is not required for a rewarding learning experience.

GED® is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education®
Free-Ed.Net and the HSE prep program are not affiliated with or endorsed by the American Council on Education.

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