Career Asset Studies.
Here you will find courses and other study
resources dealing with ways you can define and
support your career assets. It is here for you,
whether you are seeking your first real job or
planning a new career for your later years.
Lifelong Learning. This
essential resource is available and relevant all
day, every day ... for life.
College Prep & Preview.
These features give you a first-hand look
at what it is like to take some of the most
common college courses at a brick-and-mortar
college. You can also launch your own program
for deciding on a college major.
Academic Placement Exams.
Here is where you can supplement your school's
college prep program for the ACT, SAT, AP, and
CLEP exams.
High School Equivalency.
The GED® exam
is no longer the only show in town. This
department provides the insight you need in
order to score on the high school equivalency
exam that your state offers.
Programs. There are many people in the world
who deserve a chance to better themselves and
become productive citizens through better
learning and positive life-changing experiences.