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In modern society, news media have become the chief purveyor of information and opinion about public affairs; but the role and status of journalism, along with other forms of mass media, are undergoing changes resulting from the Internet. This has resulted in a shift toward reading on e-readers, smartphones, and other electronic devices rather than print media and has faced news organizations with the ongoing problem of monetizing on digital news. Many struggling organizations believe that "journalism is in dire shape, and the triumph of digital is to blame," but Rupert Murdoch insists the "future of journalism is more promising than ever—limited only by editors and producers unwilling to fight for their readers and viewers, or government using its heavy hand either to over-regulate us or subsidize us." It remains to be seen which news organizations can make the best of the advent of digital media and whether or not print media can survive. ~Wikipedia

Online resources that provide an overview of the subject. These are especially
helpful for learners who are searching for subjects that suit their needs and
personal interests.

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Overview of Journalism Wikipedia

These free online resources are intended to provide knowledge, skills, and insights for a special, limited portion of a subject.

* The study guide for this short course is under development at this time. The reading assignment, however, is now available.

These are contemporary textbooks that appear online, free of charge but with an undetermined number of pages missing. They are selected for their relevance and quality.

David L. Heiserman, Editor

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Revised: June 06, 2015