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Online resources that provide an overview of the subject. These are especially
helpful for learners who are searching for subjects that suit their needs and
personal interests.

Resource Publisher
Overview of Lifelong Learning Wikipedia

Courses are organized studies that include at least a free online textbook and a study guide. Many include exams, quizzes, instructional videos and other helpful learning resources. They are suitable for both self-learning and formal instruction.

A short study for serious lifelong learners

A full-length course for serious lifelong learners

These are contemporary textbooks that appear online, free of charge but with an undetermined number of pages missing. They are selected for their relevance and quality.

  • Correcting traditional assumptions
  • Setting your own learning goals and priorities
  • Developing learning styles that work for you
  • Working in groups of similar interests and goals
  • Setting  standards and assessing quality of your learning experiences
  • Portraying learning experiences in your career portfolio
  • Putting your learning to work

David L. Heiserman, Editor

Copyright ©  SweetHaven Publishing Services
All Rights Reserved

Revised: June 06, 2015