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Travel  and Tourism generally appeals to  individuals who want to manage travel-related enterprises and related convention and/or tour services. Study programs, formal or self-directed, could include instruction in travel agency management, tour arranging and planning, convention and event planning, travel industry operations and procedures, tourism marketing and promotion strategies, travel counseling, travel industry law.

Okay. So go through all that stuff ... then get serious. Step aside from the ordinary and any doom-and-gloom you might read in the career handbooks. You make your own career, doing the things that get you up early in the morning, work harder than anyone else through the day, and close your eyes at night, knowing you've manage to accomplish something meaningful. How? ... More coming.

Note: Some of these tutorials might require a PDF reader. If you do not have an the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your device, you can download a free copy here. Many also require the Google Play app for mobile devices.

Now for a brief word from our sponsors ...


David L. Heiserman, Editor

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Revised: June 06, 2015