Chapter 8Measurements 8-4 Significant Digits
Rules For Significant Digits - Digits from 1-9 are always significant.
Examples - 256 has three significant digits, 256
- 12.56 has four significant digits, 12.56
- Zeros between two other significant digits are always significant
Examples - 205 has three significant digits, 205
- 0.3008 has four significant digits, 0.3008
- 30.2 has three significant digits: 30.2
- 26007 has five significant digits: 26007
- Zeros to the right of both the decimal place and another significant digit are significant.
Examples - 2.400 has four significant digits 2.400
- 0.05300 has four significant digits: 0.05300
- Zeros used solely for spacing the decimal point (placeholders) are not significant.
85.004 -
- 0.01566 has five significant digits: 0.01566
- 0.0004 has one significant digit: 0.0004
- 0.072 has two significant digits: 0.072